Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Best


Bright eyes bushy tail.

That was my boy, my beautiful boy.

Purring, cuddling, lying next to me.

Stretching, scratching the cat pad, throwing a toy around.

Once upon a time you loved a laser pointer, a milk cap, the scent of catnip. Soft blankets, sun puddles, cuddling your sister. You jumped so high to catch yarn. You jumped and caught a few flies too.

You never wanted to be held but we shared special time each night, such special moments next to each other. We watched movies and how you loved bird videos, cat videos, The Lion King.

When a storm was coming you would zoom through the house on white paws flying up and down the stairs. But the sounds didn't scare you. The heart of a lion was yours.

You washed your sister like a good brother, but then would pounce and make her hiss. Her tail was the best toy of all to grab as she pranced by. But you did it all gently. Nothing mean about you.

I called you my boy boy, and Wocky. I sang songs, silly songs to you and you blinked that slow loving blink that told me you loved everything I did.

How the treats made your whiskers twitch, and later, your churros. I never minded the few years of thyroid pills to keep you well, to keep you whole, to keep you.

Weight started to drop, energy level too. You couldn't make it onto the couch or into the tub to drink your morning water. We didn't meet on the couch any  longer and you chose to hide downstairs where it was quiet and calm. Though you greeted me when I looked for you and purred and purred when I rubbed those feline cheeks. Something was wrong. Something that might take you from me.

I knew it was time to say goodbye though. A good mom knows these things and she would never hurt you, never let you suffer, so she decided and it was hard, it was rough, it was sad. You purred when you saw me, you let me rub those kitty cheeks again. But our time was short and fifteen years wasn't long enough, no amount of time would have been.

There's a void, an empty place in our home, in my heart, as we go on without you and your sister looks for you.  

Your love wraps around me, your sweetness. And the fact that you made me better. I will love you forever my sweet sweet boy.


  1. That is so beautiful. The perfect words to express all the love he felt.

  2. So touching and beautiful - i have tears in my eyes now

  3. What an amazing boy! This is so very loving, a noble tribute.
